Update File

Update existing file by ID using data provided in the FileMeta request object.

The updateDataFileAttachment parameter is used to indicate whether the new data file should replace the existing data file or be appended to it. If updateDataFileAttachment is set to true, the new data file will replace the existing data file. If updateDataFileAttachment is set to false, the new data file will be appended to the existing data file. If you set the updateDataFileAttachment parameter to true when updating a data file, you will need to follow file upload step 2 /fileuploadstep2 with the newly created data key.

The updateReleaseNoteAttachment parameter is used to indicate whether the new release note file should replace the existing release note file or be appended to it. If updateReleaseNoteAttachment is set to true, the new release note file will replace the existing release note file. If updateReleaseNoteAttachment is set to false, the new release note file will be appended to the existing release note file. If you set the updateReleaseNoteAttachment parameter to true when updating a data file, you will need to follow file upload step 2 /fileuploadstep2 with the newly created notes key.

The validationStatus object is managed by the system, and any changes to this field may be overwritten by system.

Required permission: filemeta-read, filemeta-create/filemeta-update, file-meta-assign

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