JUMP TOGetting StartedIntroductionAPI AuthenticationCTC API ConventionCTC Message Streaming IntegrationCTC PULL (Data Pump)CTC PUSHUsing the Try It ButtonUsing the APIsDM APIAuthenticationRetrieving Device InformationJobsDevice Smart SearchSmart Search APIDeep PaginationData Pump (Real-Time Stream)Retrieving Events with Data PumpSCI Device SettingsiOn VisioniOn Vision PrerequisitesVideo Application MessagesWorking with EDVR and DVR VideosVideo Status and Search FunctionsResults Services (Historical Data)Retrieving All Event Data for a Single DeviceRetrieving Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) Event DataSearching for EventsiOn TagsRetrieving iOn Tag Data with Data PumpRetrieving iOn Tag Data with Results ServicesCrashBoxx ServicesCrashBoxx PrerequisitesCrashBoxx Supported DevicesCrashBoxx Installation GuideCrashBoxx API DescriptionCrashBoxx Test TipsSmart TrailerSmart Trailer API GuideDM API GatewayDevice InformationDevices SearchpostDevice Smart SearchpostDevice by IDgetDevice with Latest EventgetDevice Shipping InfogetDevice Manufacturing InfogetDevice Manufacturing Info By Device IdgetMDT Device Manufacturing InfogetDevice File HistorygetCurrent Device FilegetCurrent/Pending FilehistorygetDevice FileDeviceTypesgetFile Upload (step 1)postFile Upload (step 2)postFileMetagetUpdate FileputFiledeleteSearch FilespostDownload FilegetDownload Release NotesgetDownload CSV FilegetPlatform by IDgetPlatform by Type and ValuegetPlatform by TypegetJobCreate JobpostJobgetCancel Job DeviceputCancel Job TaskputDevices by JobId and TaskIndexgetJobs Tasks SearchpostCommandResult by Device Job TaskIndexgetGet OTA StategetGet Diag code by codegetGet Diag code by Type and CodegetJob Search V3postJob Device Search V3postGet Job Task Devices V3getEventChange Event TypesgetChange Event HistorygetDatapump Servicesevents(GET) Eventsget(GET) Event countgetqueue(DELETE) Queuedelete(GET) Queue Statusget(PUT) Queue statusputResults ServicesAEMPConstructionGet the aemp event of user's account.getEventsGet all events for the devices in given account between two unique message IDS.getGet list of all the Events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest events for all event types attached to the Device.getGet list of all the Events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifiers.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getGet a list of latest events for given message type attached to the Device.getVehicleBusCapabilitiesPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getGet a list of the events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Vehicle Bus Capabilities Event events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getAppPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getGet a list of the App Messages attached to the Device.getGet the last known good position of a device.getGet a list of latest App messages attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getAvlPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getGet a list of the Events attached to the Device.getGet the last known good position of a device.getGet a list of latest Avl events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getAempGet a list of the aemp Events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest AEMP events attached to the Device.getGet a list of aemp events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getDeviceCommandGet a list of the Events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Device Command events attached to the Device.getGet a list of the Events by Sequence Id.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getDTCGet a list of the Events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest DTC events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getDTC2ReportGet a list of the DTC 2 Reports attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest DTC2Report messages attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getExtendedIdReportGet a list of the ExtendedIDReport events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest ExtendedIDReport events attached to the Device.getGet a list of ExtendedIDReport events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getIdReportGet a list of the IdReport Events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest IDReport events attached to the Device.getGet a list of IdReport events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getJbusConstructionDailyReportGet a list of the events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Jbus Construction Daily Report events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getJbusConstructionDailyUsageReportGet a list of the events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Jbus Construction Daily Usage Report events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getJbusConstructionHourlyReportGet a list of the events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Jbus Construction Hourly Report events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getJbusDailyReportGet a list of the events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Jbus Daily Report events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getJbusDiscoveryReportGet a list of the events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Jbus Discovery Report events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getJbusFaultReportGet a list of the events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Jbus Fault Report events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getJbusHourlyReportGet a list of the events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Jbus Hourly Report events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getJbusHydraulicReportGet a list of the events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Jbus Hydraulic Report events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getJBusDTC1708Get a list of the Events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Jbus DTC 1708 events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getJBusDTC1939Get a list of the Events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Jbus DTC 1939 events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getSelfDescribingJPODMessagesGet a list of the JPOD Messages attached to the Device.getGet the last known good position of a device.getGet a list of latest JPOD_SELF_DESCRIBING messages attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getMotionLogGet a list of the Events attached to the Device.getGet a list of latest Motion Log events attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getUserGet a list of the User Messages attached to the Device.getGet the last known good position of a device.getGet a list of latest User messages attached to the Device.getGet a list of events attached to the Device based on Unique Identifier.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getEntity ServicesaccountsCreates a new account.postRetrieve an account by namegetPerform a search on account propertiespostReturns the properties that account resource can be searched on.getRetrieve an account by solomon idgetRetrieve an Account by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate an account.putDeletes an account.deleteActivate an existing account.putGet the list of all addresses attached to the Account.getRetrieve all AempPollerConfigurator for given account.getAdd a specific airtime plan to the account.postRemove a specific airtime plan from the account.deleteRetrieve the list of airtime plans associated with an account.getRetrieve alerts for account.getGet all the ancestors that belong to the specified account till the user's account level.getGet all the ancestors alerts that belong to the specified account.getGet the custom message end points from the account and its ancestor. If the 'restrictToEnterprise' is set to true, the ancestor hierarchy stops at the first ancestor account that is an enterprise account.getGet all the applications that the specified account has access to.getGet all the assets that belong to the specified account.getGet a list of the BILLING addresses attached to the Account.getRetrieves account's existing collection of PointOfContacts.getAdd a contact to an existing collection of PointOfContacts. Returning the list of contacts that an account has.postRemoves all accounts's pointOfContacts.deleteRemoves an account's contact with the given contactId from pointOfContacts.deleteDeactivate an existing account.putGet all the DeviceConfigurations that belong to the specified account.getGet all the devices that belong to the specified account.getRetrieves the Extended Attribute for the account denoted by accountgetAdds Extended Attribute for the Account denoted by acctIdpostOverrides the existent Extended Attribute for the Account denoted by acctIdputRemoves the Extended Attribute for the Account denoted by acctIddeleteGet GeoMapper for this accountgetAdd GeoMapper for this accountpostDissociate GeoMapper from this accountdeleteRetrieve the geozones for specific accountId.getRetrieve all IOProfiles for given account.getGet the MAILING addresses attached to the Account.getGet the custom message endpoint for the account.getCreate the custom message end point for the enterprise accountpostUpdate the custom message end point for the enterprise accountputdelete the custom message end point for the account.deleteRetrieve all Operators for account.getRetrieve all Peg Behaviors for account.getRetrieve all Peglabels for account.getGet all the roles that belong to the specified account.getRetrieve all Routes for given account.getRetrieve Service Profile that belong to the specified account.getGet SHIPPING addresses attached to the Account.getGet all the subaccounts that belong to the specified account.getGet all the assets that belong to the specified account and its sub accounts.getGet all the devices that belong to the specified account and its sub accounts.getGet Subscription level for this accountgetGet Applications for Subscription level of this accountgetGet Modules for Subscription level of this accountgetGet all the users that belong to the specified account.getaemppollerconfiguratorCreate a AEMP poller configurator.postPerform a search on aemppollerconfigurator propertiespostReturns the properties that aemppollerconfigurator resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a AEMP Poller Configuration.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate an AEMP poller configurator.putDelete an AEMP poller configurator.deleteairtimeplansRetrieve all airtime plan.getCreates a new airtime plan.postPerform a search on airtimeplan propertiespostReturns the properties that airtimeplan resource can be searched on.getRetrieve an airtime plan by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdates an airtime plan.putDelete a airtime plan. Returns the deleted airtime plan.deletealertsRetrieves all AlertConfigurations for the current user.getCreate new AlertConfigurationpostLists all AlertActionTypesgetRetrieves the Extended Attribute for the specified AlertActiongetAdds Extended Attribute for the specified AlertActionpostOverrides the existent Extended Attribute for the specified AlertActionputRemoves the Extended Attribute for the specified AlertActiondeleteRetrieve AlertConfiguration by name.getPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that alertConfiguration resource can be searched on.getRetrieves the AlertTypes for the current user.getCreate new AlertType.postRetrieves all AlertActions for the current usergetCreate new AlertAction.postRetrieve AlertAction for the given namegetPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that alertAction resource can be searched on.getRetrieve AlertAction by AlertActionById.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate an AlertAction.putDelete an AlertAction.deleteRetrieve all AlertActionTemplatesgetCreate new AlertActionTemplate.postRetrieve AlertActionTemplates for the given AlertActionTemplate namegetRetrieve AlertActionTemplate for the given alertActionTemplateIdgetUpdate an AlertActionTemplate.putDelete an AlertActionTemplate by IddeleteRetrieve AlertType for the given namegetPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that alertType resource can be searched on.getRetrieves all AlertTriggers.getCreate new AlertTriggerpostRetrieves all AlertTriggerAttribute.getCreate new AlertTriggerAttributepostRetrieve AlertTriggerAttribute for the given namegetRetrieve AlertTriggerAttribute for the given alertTriggerAttribute IdgetUpdate an AlertTriggerAttribute.putDelete an AlertTriggerAttribute.deleteLists All TriggerConjunction Values.getUpdate an AlertTrigger.putDelete an AlertTrigger.deleteRetrieve AlertType by alertTypeId.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate an AlertType.putDelete an AlertType.deleteRetrieve AlertActionTemplate for the given alertTypeId and templateIdgetRetrieves all AlertTriggers for the AlertType.getRetrieve AlertTriggers by alertTypeId and AlertTriggerId.getRetrieve AlertConfiguration by alertId.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate AlertConfiguration.putDelete an AlertConfiguration.deleteRetrieves the Extended Attribute for the specified AlertConfigurationgetAdds Extended Attribute for the specified AlertConfigurationpostOverrides the existent Extended Attribute for the specified AlertConfigurationputRemoves the Extended Attribute for the specified AlertConfigurationdeleteapplicationsCreate an Application.postPerform a search for ApplicationspostReturns the properties that Application can be searched on.getRetrieve specified Application.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate specified Application.putDelete specified Application.deleteRetrieves the ExtendedAttribute for specified Application.getAdd ExtendedAttribute for specified Application.postUpdate the existing ExtendedAttribute for the specified ApplicationputRemoves the ExtendedAttribute for the specified ApplicationdeleteList notification templates for the specified ApplicationgetCreate a notification template for the specified ApplicationpostUpdate a notification template for the specified ApplicationputDelete a notification template for the specified ApplicationdeleteassetsCreate a new assetpostBulk API to create new assetspostUpdates multiple Assets.putBulk API to delete assetsdeleteCreate a new asset and associate LMU device and key fobs with itpostPerform a search on asset propertiespostReturns the properties that asset resource can be searched on.getReplace the sensorlayout associated with asset, with the supplied sensorlayout.putBulk API to delete sensorlayout from assetsdeleteRetrieve Asset by vin, optionally filtered by status.getRetrieve an Asset.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate an Asset.putDelete an Asset.deleteRetrieves assets associated to an Asset.getAdds assets to an AssetpostReplaces the set of assets currently associated with the asset, with the supplied set of assets.putRemoves Asset's assets.deleteRemoves an Asset's asset.deleteRetrieves devices associated to an Asset.getAdds Devices to the Asset denoted by assetIdpostReplaces the set of devices currently associated with the asset, with the supplied set of devices.putRemoves Asset's devices.deleteRemoves an Asset's device.deleteRetrieves the Extended Attribute for the Asset denoted by assetIdgetAdds Extended Attribute for the Asset denoted by assetIdpostOverrides the existing ExtendedAttribute for the Asset specified by idputRemoves the Extended Attribute for the Asset denoted by assetIddeleteReplace the extensions for the asset specified by idputAssociate key fobs to assetpostRetrieves operator associated to an Asset.getAdds Operators to the Asset denoted by assetIdpostReplaces the set of operators currently associated with the asset, with the supplied set of operators.putRemoves Asset's operators.deleteRetrieve Routes for given asset.getReplaces the routes associated with asset, with the supplied routes.putRemoves Asset's routes.deleteRetrieves schedules associated to an Asset.getAdds Schedules to the Asset denoted by assetIdpostReplaces the set of schedules currently associated with the asset, with the supplied set of schedules.putRemoves Asset's schedules.deleteRetrieve SensorLayout for given asset.getUpdate asset with the supplied sensorlayout.putDissociate sensorlayout from assetdeleteautoassetcreateCreate auto asset for DevicepostRetrieve resource identified by the provided id.getCreate auto assetpostAutomatically create asset from deviceId and vin lookuppostcontactsCreates a new contact.postRetrieve an Contact by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate a Contact.putDelete a contact.deletedevicecommandsSend Device commands to muliple devicepostProcess ota download requests for the given device esnpostUpdate the device command message Response status.postCreate a Application Message RequestpostCreate a GeoZonepostGet information for the given Geozone IdgetSend a UnitRequest message to the device to enable or disable the specified geozonepostCreate an Id Report RequestpostCreate a Location RequestpostCreate a Location RequestpostCreate a Parameter Read Request By Param IdgetCreate a Parameter Write Request By Param IdpostCreate a Reboot RequestpostCreate a unitrequest RequestpostCreate a User Message RequestpostGet firmwares for the given architecturegetGet a list of events by messageUuidgetGet a list of events by messageUuidheadUpdate the status to CANCELLED for given messageuuidputdeviceconfigurationsRetreives the DeviceConfigurations for the current user.getCreates a new DeviceConfiguration.postRetrieve a DeviceConfiguration by name.getPerform a search on deviceconfiguration propertiespostReturns the properties that deviceconfigurations resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a DeviceConfiguration by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate DeviceConfiguration.putDelete a DeviceConfiguration by its id.deletedeviceresourcesCreates a new deviceResource.postRetrieves a deviceResource list by device id.getChecks and updates deviceResource's apply completion.putProcess A Router device's ID Report and return next OTA resourcepostRetrieves a resource list by deviceConfiguration ids list, resource type, and account id.getRetrieves a resource list by device ids or esns list, resource type, and account id.getRetrieves a resourceType list by deviceConfiguration ids.getRetrieves a resourceType list by device's ids or esns list.getSchedules deviceResources.postPerform a search on deviceresource propertiespostReturns the properties that deviceresource resource can be searched on.getRetrieves a deviceResource by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdates a deviceResource.putDeletes a deviceResource by its id.deleteUpdates deviceResource's status to 'In Progress'.putdevicesCreate a Device.postGet the Devices that have downloaded the given Resource File. Filter for the date range of the download. Filter for devices that are still in the download processpostRetrieve the Device by airIdgetBulk API to create new devicespostUpdates multiple Devices.putBulk API to delete devicesdeleteRetrieve Devices by esn, optionally filtered by status.getRetrieve Alerts by device esn id.getRetrieve a Device by ESN and external ID (iccid, meid, etc.).getPerform a search on device propertiespostReturns the properties that device resource can be searched on.getPerform free-form, exact match & wild card search on Device propertiespostReturns the properties that SmartSearch Device resource can be searched on.getSend notification to provided routers.postRetrieve a Device.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate a Device.putDelete a Device.deleteAdd a specific airtime plan to the device.postActivate a specific airtime plan for the device.putDeactivate a specific airtime plan for the device.deleteList all airtime plans for the device, including the expired ones.getRetrieve Alerts by device id.getRetrieves an Asset by device's id.getSaves SMS Configuration for the Device represented by this id.postRetrieve a device and check if its configuration page is available.getRetrieves all commands for a device by the given device id.getRetrieves the Extended Attribute for the device denoted by deviceIdgetAdds Extended Attribute for the Device denoted by deviceIdpostOverrides the existent Extended Attribute for the device denoted by deviceIdputRemoves the Extended Attribute for the Device denoted by deviceIddeleteRetrieves the features for the specified devicegetUpdates the features for the specified deviceputRetrieve the geozones for a specific device.getRemove a geozone from a device.deleteUpdates the ip and/or port for the specified deviceputReplace a Device. The replaced device is deleted. The new device is created with a link to the replaced device. The new device is returned in the response.postRetrieves schedules associated to a Device.getAdds Schedules to the Device denoted by deviceIdpostReplaces the set of schedules currently associated with the device, with the supplied set of schedules.putRemoves Device's schedules.deleteRetrieves serviceProfile associated to a Device.getAssociate serviceProfile to a Device.putdevicetypesRetrieves all the DeviceTypes available.getCreates a new deviceType.postReturns the architecture and category list.getRetrieve a DeviceType by name.getPerform a search on devicetype propertiespostReturns the properties that devicetype resource can be searched on.getRetrieves a DeviceType by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headdeviceupdatetemplatesCreate a new device update templatepostRetrieve the list of device update templates of an accountgetPerform a search on deviceupdatetemplate propertiespostReturns the properties that deviceupdatetemplate resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a device update tempalte by idgetCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate a device update templateputDelete a device update templatedeletefilesCreate new FileMeta.postPerform a search on FileMeta propertiespostReturns the properties that FileMeta resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a FileMeta.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate a FileMeta.putDelete a FileMeta.deleteRetrieves accounts associated to a FileMeta.getAssociates list of accounts to the FileMeta denoted by filemetaIdpostReplaces the set of accounts currently associated with the filemeta, with the supplied set of accounts.putDisassociates Accounts to the FileMeta.deletegeomappersRetrieves all the accesible geoMappersgetcreate geoMapperpostPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getRetrieve geoMapper by its id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headupdate geoMapperputdelete geoMapperdeletegeozonesCreate a GeozonepostDeploy one or more geozones to a devicepostPerform a search on geozone propertiespostReturns the properties that geozone resource can be searched on.getGet a Geozone by its id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate a geozone.putDelete a geozone by its id.deletegroupmembersDelete group members from all groups.deleteRetrieve group members.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headAdd members to a group.postUpdate group members.putDelete group members.deletegroupsCreate new Group.postCreate new groups.postUpdates multiple groups.putBulk API to delete groupsdeletePerform a search on Group propertiespostReturns the properties that group resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a Group.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate a Group.putDelete a Group.deleteRetrieves schedules associated to a Group.getAdds Schedules to the Group denoted by groupIdpostReplaces the set of schedules currently associated with the group, with the supplied set of schedules.putRemoves Group's schedules.deleteioprofilesCreate the IOProfile.postPerform a search on ioprofile propertiespostReturns the properties that ioprofile resource can be searched on.getRetrieve the IOProfile.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate the IOProfile.putDelete the IOProfile.deletemessagereplayRetreives all the MessageFiles metadata.getReplay messages from given message file.postRetreives the MessageFile for given name.getRetreives the MessageFile for given name.headUploads given messageFile.postDelete a given active message file.deleteoperatorsCreate a new operatorpostPerform a search on operator propertiespostReturns the properties that operator resource can be searched on.getRetrieve an Operator.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate an Operator.putDelete an Operator.deleteRetrieves the Extended Attribute for the Operator denoted by operatorIdgetAdds Extended Attribute for the Operator denoted by operatorIdpostOverrides the existing ExtendedAttribute for the Operator specified by idputRemoves the Extended Attribute for the operator denoted by operatorIddeleteRetrieves schedules associated to an Operator.getAdds Schedules to the Operator denoted by operatorIdpostReplaces the set of schedules currently associated with the operator, with the supplied set of schedules.putRemoves Operator's schedules.deletepegbehaviorsRetreives all PegBehavior for the current user.getCreates an PegBehavior with specified model.postRetreives the PegBehavior for the current user.getPerform a search on pegbehavior propertiespostReturns the properties that pegbehavior resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a PegBehavior by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate a PegBehavior.putDelete a pegBehavior. PegBehavior with status Enabled cannot be deleted.deleteClones a PegBehavior with specified Id to the provided account IdpostRetrieve a PegEvent for the given PegBehavior id and PegEvent code.getCreate new PegEvent for the given PegBehavior idpostRetrieve a PegEvent for the given PegBehavior id and PegEvent id.getUpdate a PegEvent.putRemoves an pegbehavior's event with the given pegeventId from pegEvents.deleteCreate new PegAccumulator for the given PegBehavior id and PegEvent idpostRetrieve a PegAccumulator for the given PegBehavior id, PegEvent id and Peg Accumulator id.getUpdate a PegAccumulator.putRemoves an pegevent's accumulator with the given pegaccumulatorId.deletepeglabelsRetreives the PegLabel for the current user.getCreates an PegLabel with specified model.postRetreives the PegLabel for the current user.getPerform a search on peglabel propertiespostReturns the properties that peglabel resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a PegLabel by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate a PegLabel.putDelete a peglabel.deletepermissionsRetrieves the list of permission available in the FOCIS Instance.getPerform a search on account propertiespostReturns the properties that permission resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a Permission.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headresourcesCreates a new resource.postRetrieves a resource list for the given account parameters.postPerform a search on resource propertiespostReturns the properties that resource can be searched on.getRetrieves a Resource by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdates a resource.putDeletes a resource by its id.deleteRestore a deleted resource.putrolesRetrieve all roles for the current user's account hierarchy.getCreate a new RolepostPerform a search on role propertiespostReturns the properties that role resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a Role by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate the Role represented by this pathputDelete a Role.deleteRetrieves the Extended Attribute for the roled denoted by roleIdgetAdds Extended Attribute for the Role denoted by roleIdpostOverrides the existent Extended Attribute for the Role denoted by roleIdputRemoves the Extended Attribute for the Role denoted by roleIddeleteroutesCreate a Route.postPerform a search on route propertiespostReturns the properties that route resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a Route.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate the Route.putDelete the Route.deleteRetrieves link of assets associated to a Route.getAdds Assets to the Route denoted by routesIdpostReplaces the set of assets currently associated with the route, with the supplied link of assets.putRemoves Route assets.deleteRetrieves the Extended Attribute for the Route denoted by routesIdgetAdds Extended Attribute for the Route denoted by routesIdpostOverrides the existent Extended Attribute for the Route denoted by routesIdputRemoves the Extended Attribute for the Route denoted by routesIddeleteschedulesCreate new Schedule.postPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that schedule resource can be searched on.getRetrieve schedule by scheduleId.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate a schedule.putDelete a schedule.deleteRetrieve entities associated with the schedule.getAssociate entities to a schedule.postAssociate entities to a schedule.putDelete entities associated with the schedule.deletesensorlayoutsCreates a new sensorlayout.postPerform a search on sensorlayout propertiespostReturns the properties that sensorlayout resource can be searched on.getRetrieve an SensorLayout by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate a SensorLayout.putDelete a SensorLayout.deleteRetrieve sensors for the given SensorLayout idgetCreate new Sensors for the given SensorLayout idpostUpdate Sensors for the given SensorLayout idputDelete sensors for the given SensorLayout iddeleteRetrieve a Sensor for the given SensorLayout id and Sensor id.getUpdate a Sensor.putRemoves an sensorlayout's sensor with the given sensorId from sensors.deletesensortagsCreates a new sensortag.postPerform a searchpostReturns the properties that this resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a SensorTag by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate a SensorTag.putDelete a SensorTag.deleteRetrieve the SensorTagElements belonging to the specified SensorTag.getAdd new SensorTagElements to the specified SensorTag.postserviceprofilesRetrieves the Service Profile for the current user.getCreate new Service Profile.postPerform a search on service profile propertiespostReturns the properties that service profile resource can be searched on.getRetrieve Service Profile by Service Profile Id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate a Service Profile.putDelete a Service Profile.deletesubscriptionsPerform a search on subscriptions propertiespostReturns the properties that subscriptions resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a Subscription by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headRetrieves modules associated to given subscription by subscription id.getsystemofunitsRetrieve all SystemOfUnitsgetRetrieve a system unit by <code>name</code>.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headusersRetrieve a User by username using query parameter.getCreate a user and send a notification to the provided email address.postA user has accepted the EULA for an applicationpostRetrieve a User by CRM id.getRetrieves the list of permissions for the current user.getRetrieve User information for currently logged in User/application. Only attributes relevant to user for the application making request will be present.getSend an email to the user with a password reset link to change the user's passwordgetReset a user's password to a new one as specified in the request bodypostPerform a search on user propertiespostReturns the properties that user resource can be searched on.getRetrieve a User by username.getDelete a User by username. Deleting a User marks it 'disabled' and sets the 'terminationDate'deleteRetrieves the list of permisisons assigned to the specified user.getRetrieve a User by id.getCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headUpdate the User represented by this pathputDelete a User. Returns the deleted user.deleteRetrieves auth activities for a User by user id.getRetrieves the Extended Attributes for the UsergetCreate Extended Attributes for the UserpostUpdate the Extended Attribute for the UserputRemoves the Extended Attribute for the Role denoted by roleIddeleteChanges the password for the specifid User.putRetrieves the Preference for the current User-Application pairinggetCreate new Preference for User-Application pairingpostweatherRetrieve all weather info mappingsgetCheck if user has access to the resource. This call behaves exactly like `GET` call, except no content is returned.headCrashboxx ServicesAccident ReconstructionGet Accident Reconstruction for FNL id.getGet Acceleration Data for FNL idgetGet First Notice of Loss and Accident Reconstruction Details for FNL id.getGet Speed data for FNL id.getPerform a SearchpostSearchable PropertiesgetGet FNL countspostDevicesGet all deviceIdTypes supported.getGet Device Heartbeat DatapostSearch Device Heartbeat DetailspostFirst Notice of LossGet an FNL.getGet Raw Messages for FNL id.getGet Raw Data by CrashId CsvgetUpdate Event Classification State for FNL id.putPerform a SearchpostSearchable PropertiesgetExamine the Alerts.postPredictive Physical DamageGet Acceleration Data for FNL id.getGet Bill of Materials for FNL id.getGet First Notice of Loss and Predictive Physical Damage Details for FNL id.getGet Speed Data for FNL id.getPerform a Dent SearchpostPerform a Dent V2 searchpostGet Image Data for FNL idgetRetrieve Image DatapostSearchable PropertiesgetPlatformRegister a PlatformpostDeregister a Platform.postVas SummarySearchpostSearchable PropertiesgetVas HistorySearchpostSearchable PropertiesgetSmart Trailer APISensorsSensor Searchable propertiesgetSensor SearchpostSensorTypeSearchpostCreate TPMS ThresholdpostTPMS Threshold Searchable PropertiesgetSearch TPMS ThresholdpostTPMS Threshold BulkUpdatepostRetrieve Volumetric Fill for TrailerpostVIDEO APISVideosDVR Upload RequestpostDVR SearchpostSearch Video EventspostDVR Requests by UploadRequestIdgetVideogetRetrieve Video Events By Account IDgetRetrieve DVR by IdentifiergetRetrieve Video Events by IdentifiergetGet Enriched Video Events by CTC IdentifiergetHarrierAsset StateCurrent Asset State by Asset IDgetPrevious Asset State by Asset IDgetLocation ReportTools by Account IDgetLocation Report by Asset IDgetTools by Asset IDgetTools by EsngetSearchpostSearchable PropertiesgetSCI Device StateGet SCI Device StategetDriving AnalyticsScoresGet Score Cards by Account IDgetCreate Score Card for AccountpostUpdate Score Card by Account ID and Score Card IDputDelete Score Card by Account ID and Score Card IDdeleteGet Scores by Operator ID and Asset IDgetGet Score Card VariableNamesgetTripsSearchpostSearchable PropertiesgetTag TripsputPerform Bulk Business UpdateputGet Trip by UuidgetAlert EngineAlerts FiredPerform Bulk Acknowledge of Alerts FiredpostPerform Bulk Delete of Alerts FiredpostGet Device Identifier TypesgetGet Alert by IdgetSearchpostSearchable PropertiesgetUpdate Alert Fired by Alert Fired IDputVehicle Engineering Service APIVehicle InfoVehicle Info By VINgetVehicle ModelsgetVehicle Enum TablegetVehicle Versioned ProfilegetVehicle Decoded ProfilegetLoad YMMEpostVehicle CapabilityList Features By VingetJ1939J1939 Code By PageSize IndexergetJ1939 Code By CodegetDiagnostic Test CodeDiagnostic Test Code By PageSize IndexergetDiagnostic Test Code by raw DTC codepostModelsModels ListgetVehicleVehicle By VingetLoad YMMEpostVehicle Diagnostic HistoryVbus Diagnostic V1getOBD DiagnosticgetJPOD DiagnosticgetVbus Diagnostic V2getVehicle Id HistoryVehicle Id Report History V1getVehicle Id Report History V2getVehicle Test FlagVehicle Test FlaggetVehicle Test FlagputInventory ManagerProvisioned DevicesProvisioned DevicespostTaskTask statusgetSub task statusgetManufacturing InfoManufacturing InfogetContent Service APIContent Service APIUpload Content